Tonight, I revisit the Son Tra Night Market in Da Nang, Vietnam to dine on a Vietnamese meal of spicy snails and mystery eggs. As usual with these live videos, nothing is staged or fake. You WILL see me eat snails AND find out what’s going on with those eggs.
Come, join me for an adventuresome dinner!
This was a very spontaneous decision, as you’ll hear in the video. And if you watched the last one where I go all around the Son Tra Night Market you should know that the Dragon Bridge Fire Show is on Saturday and Sunday at 9pm, (not Fri/Sat like I might have said). And if you haven’t watched the night market tour, here’s where you can give it a look:
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And here are more LIVE broadcasts from Da Nang.
And here’s our full page of Vietnam videos and posts.
Video Transcript
Okay Everyone, oh, let me try not to cover the camera. You might think I’m crazy, I’m doing a second live today. Maybe it’s not the same day for you, but I have found myself here, at the (Son Tra) night market.
I came down to do another shoot of the Dragon Bridge Fire Show and for some reason, maybe I have it wrong and it’s not Friday and Saturday nights, but for some reason there was no show tonight. I had walked out to the median. I had my little fake go-pro and I was gonna put it on the tripod and get directly underneath the dragon, you know because it’s waterproof and all that.
Not only did that not work because the tripod wasn’t quite stable enough, but then there was no show. Anyway, I did get some really cool shots from directly under the dragon. I was just in the traffic at the time.
I have people looking at me like wow she’s crazy. I’m broadcasting and they probably don’t understand what I’m saying, but they probably understand what I’m doing because cameras are very prevalent around here.
So, okay, so this is my second live today it’s a little late, I’m a little tired. But I stopped in here at the night market and I figured I gotta try the the wildest thing I saw when I was here and I did the live last time from here – and that was the snails. So I’m gonna try the snails with you and we’re gonna see how they go.
And I got something. I got the the eggs and I don’t know if there’s honestly, I don’t know if there’s like chicks in them, or if there’s a filling in them. I have no idea what I’m going to find when I crack it open. So I may, or may not, eat it. I do have a few limitations. Although I do believe in trying almost everything.
So let’s take a look at what I’m eating here. Okay, oh let’s see.
Okay, so here’s the meal. Okay, there we go. So these are the snails and I presume that they gave me toothpicks. So I pull the snail meat out, eat it down…oh, that’s pretty tasty. You have to understand, I’ve had snails before so I can’t say this is a huge feat.
Then let’s see, there’s a sauce here.
That sauce has some serious kick, and that’s why I agreed to getting a drink, because I knew it might be spicy. This is a mango smoothie.
A very thick mango smoothie.
Excuse me for a second, I’m flipping the straw around for a little better effectiveness. There we go.
Okay, so the snails are actually quite good. I can tell you that much. This is going to be a short one because you don’t need to sit and watch me eat snails. I’ll open an egg in just a second.
So they are a challenge. I should have gotten the bigger snails. So you pull it out.
Okay, so yeah, those are good, those are tasty.
Let’s see what’s gonna happen when I open the egg. Okay, I’ll go back to eating a snail. I’ll eat a snail on camera so you know I’m not just faking it or something like that. This looks like, what does this look like?
Something has been, okay oh, it’s not a chick, I can tell you that much. See you can see whatever it is, it’s kind of like they emptied out the egg and made a filling and then injected it back in and cooked it in the egg. So let me get some of this off, and as I usually do with my LIVES, this is absolutely live.
I’ve not done this before. I have not practiced this. I’ve not rehearsed it, so you get to experience this along with me. If something weird had popped out, or if this tastes really weird, you’ll find out soon enough. Okay, so let me try this.
Come back up and look at me. Okay, so still very eggy. I think what they do is they take the insides of the egg and mix them together with stuff and put it back in and then cook it. It’s really tasty actually. The inside looks kind of gray, it looks kind of mushy, but it’s actually really tasty.
As I say, this is that sample, and I’ll do one more snail, just to show you, to prove that I’m actually eating them and I’m not faking it.
Okay, they have that little cap on the top. Well, I think I may get this one out in one piece.
Also, for my mom, who asked in the comments last week, she asked if Tim got his cashew brittle? I picked it up here tonight. So I got some cashew brittle, and don’t tell him, but I also got him a little Buddha that sits there and fans himself. He saw one in a taxi driver’s car once and he just loved it, and he regrets that we haven’t found one. But I found one tonight.
So here’s the inside of the snail. I’m gonna dip it in the thing… ah, she brought me some napkins, thank you, cam on, and so here’s the snail.
See, I’m eating it for real, and it’s really tasty. That’s very good. That is very good. No problem eating that at all.
I will say also, they give you this little salt mixture to go with the egg. That goes with the egg, and they give you some of the basil leaves. I think this is similar to what you would put in the pho, although they have a lot of leafy things around here and I don’t know if there’s like fine differences between them, or they’re just all the same and I can’t tell the difference on everything. But if you’ve ever had pho and they bring you all the leaves, and it’s like Asian basil and that’s really good.
So I just wanted to share this with you because I was here and it was a spur of the moment, and that is really, just it’s absolutely spur of the moment. So I wanted to share this interesting meal with you, and my advocation is always, when you’re out somewhere, try it. You never know what it’s going to taste like. You may really enjoy it, even if it sounds gross, sounds like something you might not like.
Also, even if it’s a flavor you don’t think you like, give it a try when you’re in another country because sometimes things taste really different.
Like green bell peppers. Green bell peppers in the US are quite bitter, and sometimes I don’t care for them. Out here, this is both Asia and Africa, when I’ve had them they’re a lot sweeter, a lot milder. There are flavors like coconut, I like it much better here in Southeast Asia than I do in the States. So don’t always think that just because something’s called the same thing that it’s going to taste the same as you know.
Always try something different. Push yourself when you’re out traveling and you have an opportunity to try snails, or any other such thing that pushes your sensibilities, give it a try too, because it’s really one of the best things you can do is just try it.
What’s the worst? You don’t like it? I mean, you know you can have something that you normally like that doesn’t taste good, so it never hurts to try things.
But I wanted to share this with you and, I just really wanted to share this with you. So I’m again, this is Son Tra Night Market, right next to the Dragon Bridge. I just walked over from the bridge because there was no fire show tonight, and I don’t quite know why. I’ll find out and get the other footage I wanted, hopefully maybe tomorrow night, or next week.
I’ll keep you posted because as I told you in the last one like this is that we’re not sure exactly when we might be coming home, because we’re not sure if our visa is going to get renewed. So I’ll keep you posted on that. As far as we know, we won’t know that till Monday, though at least Monday or Tuesday.
So thanks for joining me. Thanks for tuning in, and I will see you next time.
There’s no elegant way to turn this off…
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