LIVE – Walking in Da Nang, Vietnam – Updates and Upcoming Projects

LIVE – Walking to get lunch in Da Nang, Vietnam. I show you the neighborhood we’ve been living in during Covid and update you on Team Hazard’s status and upcoming projects.

Because we can’t do mobile live yet here on YouTube, I’m going to be doing lives on IGTV so I can share destinations right when I’m there and you can experience them with me. Some will be cool stuff around town, and some will be awesome tourist destinations here in Da Nang (For example: Big Lady Buddha).

I’ve also just learned I can do horizontal videos on both platforms, so starting soon our live videos will be horizontal.

Lots of fun stuff coming soon!

Be sure to check out the rest of the LIVE from Da Nang video series.

Video Transcript

Hey Everyone, welcome to Da Nang Vietnam.

This is Trina of Team Hazard. Tim is recovering from a bit of pneumonia right now so he’s not going to be with us today, but I wanted to show you a little bit of the neighborhood we’re living in as well as give you some announcements about some things that we’re going to be doing in the near future.

I’m going to share with you that little side restaurant right there. They’re actually quite good. I’m going to go to lunch at a little different place because I want to talk to you as I go and that’s like right across the street, right across the alley, from our hotel, or not hotel, apartment.

At this point we’ve been here long enough to have an apartment.

We got, we actually came to Vietnam, to Da Nang, right before Covid hit, on Halloween of 2019.

I’m looking to watch traffic, so forgive me.

And we’ve pretty much been here ever since. We went from one hotel, to a less expensive hotel, and then when we realized we were gonna be here a long time, we moved to an apartment. We’re going to be here till we get the vaccine and then we’re going to decide our travel plans again after that. So that’s what’s going on there.

As I say, I want to share the neighborhood with you a little bit and I’m out on the town today. I’m out on the town today though because we’re going to be doing a whole bunch of new YouTube videos.

I did a series on Travel Bites, things that were from our previous travels. And I just put together a whole bunch of stuff to share places with you and those little things that you know you can’t always catch, or put in a big blog post.

Sometimes the little things are really precious. And I have a whole playlist of Travel Bites that you can watch and enjoy. They’re from all over the world, mostly Africa and Asia and Southeast Asia, especially. So you can check that.

I highly recommend checking out our shorts playlist for Travel Bites.

We’re also starting a series of travel tutorials, because there’s gonna be a lot of people who wanna travel and they’ve always put it off. And now that you’ve been cooped up for so long it’s like, ‘you know what I gotta get to this stuff now’, and you know us, we’re 100% for travel anytime you can do it.

So we’re gonna do some tutorials to help people, so they feel more comfortable traveling internationally. I know that’s still a ways off but the tutorials will be there when you need them.

And this new batch, I’m going to start walking, I’m going to flip the camera so you’re not just looking at me. Oh there’s my flip. Hey, there we go, and you can see a bit of Da Nang. You know it’s a modern place. Different from home and yet not very different.

The neighborhood we grew up in, not grew up in, but lived in in LA, it wasn’t dramatically different than this. Other than the traffic is very different and there’s more outdoor stuff here. There’s lots of outdoor seating. Almost every eatery has like half indoor, half outdoor ,or it’s just 100% outdoor, or you’re just buying food at a stand.

I’m going to point out this sign, just so you know, 20k, 20,000 dong is a little bit less than one US dollar. So if you see prices, that gives you some perspective.

Check out our videos on the Easy Method for Handling Foreign Money When You Travel AND How to Use a Foreign ATM When You Travel.

Let’s see, normally it is and this is true of most of Southeast Asia, it’s hard to walk on the sidewalks because sidewalks become parking lots, or the cafes come all the way out to the end.

So usually, if you’re going to walk any distance, you end up walking in the street, because otherwise you’re on the sidewalk, off the sidewalk, on the sidewalk, off the sidewalk. So that’s one of the things that’s pretty different.

And I know it looks like that guy’s riding the wrong way, but there’s a lot of tolerance for, there’s more tolerance for people being where they need to be in the road than worrying about whether you’re exactly in the lines or not. The people just take it as it comes. If you have to slide over the line to make room for this other car, then the other cars on the other side just make room for you. It’s a given.


So walking in the streets and crossing the streets here is way different. Intersections, they’ll honk to let you know they’re coming through. Especially cars, like when cars come through an intersection and generally the cars have right-of-way and the motorbikes you know work around them, but it’s all accepted. And you get used to it after a while.

See? That little honk, that’s not honking at anyone, that’s not anyone being angry, that’s just, ‘hey I’m here’.

See there, we have banh mi. If you’ve ever heard of banh mi in Thailand (oops, Vietnam), they’re great sandwiches. As I say, they’re usually about a buck, or less, and you can tell them exactly what you want in it from what they have, so you have a lot of control over what goes in. Although sometimes it’s hard, they can’t imagine you not putting certain things in so, you know, so you got to keep an eye on what they’re putting in.

If you don’t like spicy, or like some of them have this one salty fish flavor that I’m not real fond of, so you just got to be you know, watch them while they build it. Or just have them put everything in and find out what you don’t like later, because most of it’s pretty darn tasty. There’s not much to object to here.

So I’m walking in the street and I haven’t shown you all of them, but I can show you there’s like, we’ve already passed like four or five coffee bars. One of my short videos is all the coffee bars. Here is Cafe Totoro. They make a nice cup of coffee, and then there’s one across the street. But seriously, there’s like coffee bars on every corner around here. Right across the way is Osaka Cafe. Osaka is not my absolute favorite, but maybe I just need to try a different drink from them.

So if you’ve signed on and I’m not seeing you, it’s because I’ve got a lot of glare on the screen and it’s hard for me to see. So hello to anyone who’s signed on. And the thing I wanted to tell you is what I’m doing out today is, I’m doing a whole new series of shorts on YouTube.

I’m doing a whole new series of shorts on YouTube. I’m shooting for doing 30 in 30 days, or something, or something close to that.

And like today I’m going out, I’m going to film a whole bunch. It’ll take me a few days to get them edited so expect them to start going up over the next few days, but shorts are one minute or less and these are going to be travel tips. The whole idea behind these is travel tips.

So I’m turning as if you can see the traffic and all that, but you can’t.

So what I’m saying is, come join us! If you haven’t caught us over on YouTube, know that we’re doing a whole bunch of really cool stuff.

We’re also going to be doing more longer in-depth tutorials and I’m going to be doing destination stuff real soon.

We had a really wet, cold, gray winter here, and the winter was miserable, and it wasn’t good for going out and filming. So we’re going to be going out now.

Some of it I may do on my own because this might just be too much for Tim, but like there’s a giant Lady Buddha up the coast, about 20 minutes from here. I’m not going to be, there’s a lot of stairs to get up to it so I’ll probably be doing that one alone. But I might be doing that one very soon.

There’s the bridge with the giant hands, if you’ve seen that.

We’re going to be doing all sorts of destination things now that the weather is better and we’re in good shape.

But do me a favor, go check us out on YouTube, drop a subscribe. It’s so you get notified when we put up a new video because we’re gonna be doing all sorts of stuff. I’ve changed our link in Instagram to our YouTube channel so you can go to the link in our description and go through there to get to our YouTube.

Or it’s always under Team Hazard Rides Again. That’s where we, what we are everywhere. I’m gonna try to get across this street here.

Do a little filming here while I cross the street.

And that’s the thing is, the motorbikes and everyone, they do work around you. They are very good at not wanting to hit you . They have no interest in hitting you. As I say, there’s a, there’s a lot of flow here when it comes to traffic.

So give me a second and I’m going to show you the place we’re going to eat. I’m not going to make you suffer through me eating, or you know chowing down on noodles, but I’m going to show you a little bit, a little bit about the place.

Team Hazard’s Food Adventures Around the World.

But as I say, you can kind of see that this isn’t that much different from your standard town in the US. I mean we’re not in this heavy downtown area. The downtown area looks like the downtown area of like, Los Angeles.

‘So, hello. We’re on Instagram, we’re on Instagram live on the internet.’

But what I wanted to show is they have, they put a grill on this and they grill some meat here and it’s really tasty. And you get a bowl of noodles with meat and some a little bit of sauce and it’s really tasty and I’m about to sit down and have lunch.

So let me sign off, say goodbye. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for watching, and we’ll see you next time.

By the way, I’m going to be doing these LIVES intermittently now and again. I know our time clock is really strange with a lot of our viewers but they’ll be up for at least 24 hours, and I’m going to try and save them.

But I apologize I can’t do a regular schedule. It’s just with various things going on around here, and with Tim’s health, I can’t always keep to a super perfect schedule. So I’m not going to make promises.

I’m just going to say keep an eye out for our LIVES because we’re going to be doing them now and again.

The next ones will start to be at destinations, at cool museums, at the big Lady Buddha.

I’ll do lives from anywhere that I can that’s really interesting. This one I just wanted to show you and make this little announcement.

Make sure to check out our YouTube. Thanks for joining, and I will see you next time.

And this is where I always get stuck, yes ,there we go, we’ll see you next time. Take care.

Trina Phillips

I've been traveling to off-the-beaten-path destinations for more than 20 years. Now I'm sharing my continuing adventures in Africa.

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