Crossing the Dragon Bridge in Da Nang, Vietnam is a tourist’s delight and an everyday occurrence for locals and expats. Even when you’re used to it, it’s fun every time.
At some point, if you’re here long enough, the Dragon Bridge is just a way to get from one side of town to the other. Da Nang has something like 7 bridges that do this. But there’s still something of a thrill when your Grab driver chooses the Dragon Bridge. It almost always merits being watched with a bit of awe and a child-like sense of wonder. Once you’ve seen it breathe fire, you’ll love it even more.
The Dragon Bridge is one of the coolest sights in Da Nang and you’ll definitely want to see it on Saturday and Sunday nights, at 9pm, for the big fire show. Yes, this dragon breathes fire. There’s a surprise, too, but I won’t give it away.
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This daytime video of crossing the Dragon Bridge had me holding the phone out of the car window with a two-handed death grip. It was also the first truly sunny day in 6 weeks, so we’re lucky to have a backdrop of blue skies for this awesome drive with the Dragon. (This, 2020, has been a particularly wet winter.)
Around either end of the Dragon Bridge, there’s a APEC Sculpture Park, a Buddhist temple, the Love Bridge, the Son Tra Night Market, and a string of bars, western food joints and coffee bars for your enjoyment.
When you get to Da Nang, Vietnam, make sure you get to see the Dragon Bridge from a few angles, both day and night. It’s a great city attraction. Pizza and drinks nearby can get you a view of the weekend show with dinner. Though I highly recommend being right up on the bridge for the Fire Show. It’s really a fun atmosphere.
Here’s a great look at what it’s like being on the Dragon Bridge during the Fire Show.
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